General Syntax
<commandName> [<parameter1>[, <parameter2>[, <parameter3> [...]]]]
send <commandName> [<parameter1>[, <parameter2>[, <parameter3> [...]]]] to <object> [in <time>]
Specifying in <time>
with time being a number in 60ths of a second, will schedule the message
to be sent that many 60ths of a secon in the future, not right now.
Math operators
, -
, *
for integer and double types, and /
, <
, <=
, >
, >=
, =
, ^
Concatenation Operators
and &&
string concatenation operators.
a bracketed expression to expressly override operator precedence.
<functionName>([<parameter1>[, <parameter2>[, <parameter3> [...]]]])
Sends the message <functionName>
to the current object, from where it
bubbles up the message path.
<functionName>([<parameter1>[, <parameter2>[, <parameter3> [...]]]]) via <object>
Sends the message <functionName>
to the object <object>
, from where it will bubble up the message path..
{character|line|word|item|byte} <startIndex> to <endIndex> of <value>
put <expression> into {character|line|word|item|byte} <startIndex> to <endIndex> of <container>
for generating/modifying substrings
Property Expressions
[the] <propertyName> of <object>
query/modify a property stored under the supplied name in an object.
Dictionary Entry Expressions
entry <key> of <dictionary>
query/modify a value stored under the supplied key name in a dictionary.
User Properties
define property <propertyName> of <object>
creates a property on the given object, that you can use to store any valid SuperTalk data type.
undefine property <propertyName> of <object>
deletes a property previously created using define property
indicating the object the currently running script belongs to.[the] target
indicating the object the current message was sent to.
Single-line comments with --
. Multi-line comments begin with (*
and end with *)
return [<expression>]
command for returning a value from a handler.
For a command handler, the value given here is stored in the local variable
the result
of the calling handler.
You can also merely write return
without a value to return no value (the return value of the handler will have the “unset” value). return
without an expression is equivalent to exit <handlerName>
output <expression>
command for printing to the console. For compatibility
with HyperCard, put <expression>
is supported as a synonym for this command.
put <expression> into <container>
set <container> to <expression>
for assigning to variables, named parameters and properties, and declaring variables.
repeat while <condition>
end repeat
See repeat for other supported types of loops.
Early-exiting a loop
If you do not want to keep running a loop, you can use the exit repeat
command to jump out the loop and right after its end repeat
Note that exit repeat
always only ends the current loop. If you have a repeat loop inside a repeat loop, and use exit repeat
in the inner
one, the outer one will continue normally.
Skipping a loop iteration
Use the next repeat
command to skip any statements inside a repeat loop following the next repeat
statement and continue with the next iteration of the loop.
if <condition> [\n] then [\n] <commands> [\n] [else [\n] <commands>] [\n] [end if]
conditional statements.
Passing a Message up the Path
pass <currentHandlerName>
Early Returns
exit <currentHandlerName>
Return from a handler without returning a value.
exit to top
Abort script execution of the entire call stack, returning
control to the host application. For compatibility, exit to HyperCard
exit to SuperCard
are also supported.
"key:value" & newline & "key2:value2" ...
<key>: <value>, <key2>: <value2> ...
You can declare a dictionary as a string or as native syntax.
In its string representation, a newline must be prefixed with a ¬
and an ¬
needs to be replaced with ¬¬
Like everything in Hammer, dictionary keys are not case-sensitive.
put <key> of <dictionary> into ...
put ... into <key> of <dictionary>
Retrieve the value of the dictionary entry under the given key, or assign a value to the given key in the dictionary (possibly replacing an existing value).
Global Variables
global <variableName> [, <variableName2> ...]
Declare a global variable and make it available to the current command or function handler.
Local Variables
To use a local variable, just put something into it:
put "Yes!" into foo
put 14 + 3 into myNum
put "food": "Mettbrötchen", "drink": "Rivella" into Abendessen
You can also quickly set up multiple local variables using the local
local a = "Hey!", b = "you", theEnd = "get into my car!"
local foo, bar, baz
local one = 1, two = 2, three = 3
Object descriptors
You can refer to objects in any currently open project, and to projects anywhere accessible to the current user using object descriptors. Generally, object descriptors have three forms:
<type> <name>
- An object of the given type, referenced by its name. Likecard "Contents"
.<type> <number>
- An object of the given type, referenced by its position in the project, likewindow 1
oricon 37
.<type> id <id>
- An object of the given type, referenced by its unique identification number, or ID number. The ID of an object does not change over its lifetime. While you can change an object’s name or number, the ID stays the same until an object is permanently deleted.
Available types right now are project
, icon
, window
, background
, card
, button
, field
, graphic
, part
. Note that UI elements inside a window (button
, field
, graphic
or part
) can be qualified by the layer they reside on (the card or background layer), by writing that layer in front of the object descriptor.
Referencing objects relative to their parents
Objects exist in a hierarchy. A SuperCard file is called a project
, which you can reference by using its file path on disk, like project "/Users/karen/Documents/My Project.xstk"
. If a project is already open, or is in a location that SuperCard already knows, you can also just use the file name to refer to it, and you can often even leave out its filename suffix (like project "My Project"
A project may contain multiple stacks of filing cards. Each stack is presented in its own window (appropriately called window
), which can contain multiple card
s (i.e. pages). Each card can contain zero or more other things, like UI elements (pushbuttons, popup menus, text fields) and graphics (vector rectangles and circles, or a fixed-resolution pixel image).
Each object must be unique among its peers (there can only be one project at any given file path, and there can only be one button with ID number 15 on a particular card), but apart from that, unique IDs and file names can occur multiple times in different places. To avoid ambiguity, you can tell SuperCard which object you want exactly using the of
operator. So if you wanted to be very precise, you could say:
button "OK" of card "Delete confirmation" of window "Confirmation dialog" of project "/Second HD/DialogProject.xstk"
You could also only partially specify such a nested object descriptor, in which case SuperCard will use the current card (or its containing stack or project) to make a best-effort attempt at finding an object with the given name (possibly inside another object, if you specified one). Like:
button "Quit" of card "Startup Error"
Apart from card
s, SuperCard window
s also contain background
s. A background, like a card, can contain buttons and fields and graphics. Every card has a background, but multiple cards may share the same background. Any objects you place on a background will be drawn behind (“underneath”) the objects of a card. This allows you to create common elements that are shared by all cards that belong to a background, like a common background color, a common title text field etc.
You can set up some objects (like text fields) so their contents are different on different cards. This is usually limited to one specific property of that object type, which you do not get to choose. For example, background checkbox controls can have different values for their highlight
property on different cards. Background text fields can have different text (“contents”) in them on different cards. This allows you to use a window as a simple database, with the background definining the fields, and each card being a record in the database.
Strings are just quoted with the double-quote character.
There are no escape sequences. Instead, you can concatenate string constants with symbolic constants.
"Hello" && quote & "World" & quote
Numbers can be integers or floating point numbers
You can also specify a unit after a number. Current supported units are
1.5 hours
2 seconds
1 tick
Units have singular and plural forms, though SuperCard does not enforce their correct usage,
so 1 ticks
is valid syntax.
Math functions
The following mathematical functions are currently implemented:
- abs
- acos
- asin
- atan
- cos
- sin
- tan
- acosh
- asinh
- log
- log10
- log2
- log1p
- logb
- logb
- sqrt
- ceil
- floor
- round
- trunc
- min
- max
- sum