Constant Value Description
empty "" A string with no contents (length 0)
space " " A single space character (word separator)
comma "," A single comma character (sub-sentence separator)
newline Unicode character 10 An line break
return Unicode character 13 An old-style Mac line break
tab Unicode character 9 A “tab” character used for indenting text
quote " A “straight quote” character, e.g. used as the “inch” sign
openQuote A “typographical opening quote” character, e.g. used to indicate the start of spoken text or quotes in writing.
closeQuote A “typographical closing quote” character, e.g. used to indicate the end of spoken text or quotes in writing.
backSpace Unicode character 8 When a user types this character on the keyboard, the character preceding the insertion mark is deleted.
forwardDelete Unicode character 127 When a user types this character on the keyboard, the character following the insertion mark is deleted.
escape Unicode character 27 This character is usually typed by users to indicate they want to cancel an operation.
true "true" The word “true”, all lowercase.
false "false" The word “false”, all lowercase.