
switch <examinedValue>
	case <otherValue1>
		exit switch
	case <otherValue2>
end switch

switch the name of this window
	case "Home" -- we fall through here and do the same as SharedFile.
	case "SharedFile"
		answer "Main file!"
		exit switch
	case 15
		answer "Some other file"
		exit switch
		answer "any other file"
end switch


The Switch command works like the switch command in C or Go. It compares the examinedValue to the values of the various case sections (otherValue1 and otherValue2). If the two values match, the commands under that case are executed.

Note: If you do not write exit switch at the end of a case, execution will “fall through” and the commands in the next case will be executed as well, even if the case label on it doesn’t match the examinedValue. This is especially useful for having several cases map to the same commands.