
<firstOperand> = <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> is <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> ≠ <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> is not <secondOperand>

<firstOperand> < <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> > <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> <= <secondOperand>
<firstOperand> >= <secondOperand>


SuperCard has 10 operators that compare their two operands and return either true or `false.

  • =, is Are the two operands equal? If the operands are text, this compares without regard to case, so e.g. "HOUSE" = "house" is the same as true. Use < and > for a case-sensitive comparison.
  • , is not Are the two operands not equal. This is the opposite of = or is. Again, note that case is ignored in comparison, so "HOUSE" ≠ "house" is the same as false.
  • <, <=, >, >= compare whether one item is less/greater than the other. For numbers, that means it compares their numeric value. For text it means it compares their sort order (So e.g. "Aa" < "Ab" is true). Note that, different from =, these operators are case-sensitive, so "A" < "a" or "A" > "a" will be true, and is a good way to detect whether two equal strings differ in case.