
the version
the short version
the abbreviated version
the long version
the english version

put the version into field "SuperCardVersion"
put "SuperCard" && the long version into versionAndName


The version function returns the word “SuperCard”, followed by the current version number of SuperCard, as a floating point number (So version 5.2.1 becomes 5.0201.). If you use the “short” or “abbreviated” qualifiers, the word “SuperCard” is omitted, giving you a nice number to compare with.

If you specify the english version, it will return the version as a string, like 5.2.1f0 for the final version of SuperCard 5.2.1, or 5.6b77 for the 77th beta version of SuperCard 5.6.

If you instead qualify it as the long version, it will return the version number as a number of the form MMmbSTbb, where MM is the major version, m the minor version, and b the bugfix version. ST is a number indicating the stage of a release, where development versions are 20, alphas are 40, betas are 60, and final versions are 80. and bb is a number indicating what build. E.g. SuperCard 10.7.5 would be 10758000, the third beta of SuperCard 5.0.1 would be 05016003.

Note: while earlier versions of SuperCard represented version numbers like 5.6.8 as 5.68, SuperCard 5 and later report them as 5.0608. As SuperCard 5.0 is the first version to do so, this is backwards compatible, as it will never report itself as being 4.8.3, so will not report it as the lower number 4.0608 all of a sudden.

Warning: The long version is only offered as a compatibility mechanism for running HyperCard stacks, and is not recommended for use in new scripts, as it only supports one-digit minor and bugfix versions (so can’t correctly represent e.g. 5.10.11).

See Also