
open <cardWindowOrProject>
open <file path> [with <application>]
open url <internet address>

open window "Palette" of project "Painter.xstk"
open "/Users/gudrun/Music/Favorite Song.mp3"
open url ""


There are three forms of the open command:

Open Object

Opens the window an object is in, and navigates to the given card. This is equivalent to the go command with the in new window option, in that if you open a different window, this will not close the previous window, and instead open a second window.

Open Document/Application

Opens the given document as if it had been double-clicked in Finder. This is equivalent to the launch command. If you specify the with <application> argument, you can override the application that would normally be used to open a document of a given type.

Open URL

Opens your default web browser and brings up the given web site.

See Also