Painting of a lego brick

After quite a while of thinking that Objective-C blocks did some mean magic on the stack, it simply took me seriously using C++’s lambdas (their implementation of the concept) that I realized what blocks are.

Effectively, a block is simply a declaration of a class, plus an instantiation of one instance of that class, hidden under syntactic sugar. Dont believe me? Well, lets have a look at C++ lambdas to clear things up:

MyVisitorPattern( [localVariableToCapture]( MyObject* objectToVisit ) { objectToVisit->Print(localVariableToCapture); }, 15 );

The red part is a C++ block. Its pretty much the same as an Objective-C block, with two differences:

  1. You explicitly specify which local variables to capture in square brackets.
  2. Instead of the ^-operator, you use those square brackets to indicate that this is a block.

Seeing the captured variables specified explicitly listed here, like parameters to a constructor, made me realize that that’s really all that a block is. In-line syntax to declare a subclass of a functor (i.e. an object whose entire purpose is to call a single of its methods), and return you an instance of that class. In ObjC-like pseudo-code, you could rewrite the above statement as:

@interface MYBlockSubClass : NSBlock
    int localVariableToCapture;

-(id) initWithLocalVar: (int)inLocalVariableToCapture;

-(void) runForObject: (MyObject*)objectToVisit;


@implementation MYBlockSubClass
-(id) initWithLocalVar: (int)inLocalVariableToCapture
    self = [super init];
    if( self )
        localVariableToCature = inLocalVariableToCapture;
    return self;

-(void) runForObject: (MyObject*)objectToVisit

and at the actual call site:

MyVisitorPattern( [[MYBlockSubClass alloc] initWithLocalVar: localVariableToCapture], 15 );

The difference is that C++ (and even more so Objective-C) automatically declare the class for you, create the instance variables and constructor for the variables you want to capture, pick a unique class name (which you can see in the stack backtraces if you stop the debugger inside a block) and instantiate the class all in a single line of code.

So there you see it, blocks aren’t really black magic, theyre 99% syntactic sugar. Delicious, readability-enhancing syntactic sugar. Mmmmmh…

PS - Of course I’m simplifying. Objective-C blocks are actually Objective-C objects created on the stack, which you usually can’t do in plain Objective-C, though it can be done with some clever C code if you insist.

A more magical approach to blocks

That said, there is a fancier way for a compiler developer to implement blocks that also makes them 100% compatible with regular C functions:

If you implement a function in assembler, you can stick additional data onto the end of a function and calculate an offset between an instruction and the end of the function (e.g. by just filling the end of the function with a bunch of 1-byte No-Ops). This means that if someone duplicates a block, theyll duplicate this data section as well.

So what you can do is declare a struct equivalent to the captured variables, and implement your code with (pseudocode):

void    MyBlock( void )
struct CapturedIVars * capturedIVars = NULL;

    capturedIVars = pointer_to_current_instruction + ivarsSection-currentInstruction;

    // Block's code goes here.
    goto ivarsSectionEnd; // Jump over ivars so we don't try to execute our data.

Now you can use the capturedIVars pointer to access the data attached to your function, but to any caller, MyBlock is just a plain old function that takes no arguments. But if you look at it from a distance, this is simply an object prefixed with a stub that looks like a function, so our general theory of blocks being just special syntax for objects holds.

I presume this is how Swift implements its blocks, because it really doesnt distinguish between blocks and functions.